Category: choosing to be happy

  • This is not a dress rehearsal… Derp! Or the history of everything! Yay!

    The Universe is 13.8 billion years old. How it all came about brighter minds are still piecing together. A myriad of things happened in those 13.8 billion years. Galaxies were born, and Solar Systems set into motion. One of those galaxies,the Milky Way. Our lonely little solar system, started its continuous trek around the sun. Planets…

  • What the Hell is Water…?

    What the Hell is Water…?

    Look around you, you are swimming in the answer to life. It is your answer. It is your truth. You can either draw a pleasant conclusion to your question, or swim in your own misery. There is a lot of truth for me in this video. Watch it. Maybe you will find some truth in…

  • Increments (unlock the next level)

    Increments (unlock the next level)

    I have learned a lot in the last few years. I learned that people you thought would always be in your life tend to fade out. But not in a bad way, they just are there one minute and gone the next. They taught you what you needed to know and served their purpose. I…

  • Your beliefs are holding you back. Be like water.

    Your beliefs are holding you back. Be like water.

    Whats holding you back in life? Unlearn what you have learned. A friend of mine (who is better at writing about these sorts of things than me, here’s his website ) says this constantly.  Unlearn what you have learned. What does this mean exactly? Well… Here is what it means to me. You shape…

  • 10 Reasons you are loved

    10 Reasons you are loved

    1) You are alive. Think about it… You are alive and conscious. The sun came up today and kissed your face with its rays. Maybe you woke up in a bad mood, but the sun was still there even if it was hiding behind a cloud. It was put there in a perfect spot just…

  • Be still, Be calm, And find what you are looking for.

    Remember when you were little and your parents would play the game called let’s see how silent we can be. Well at least mine did, I was a loud little kid who was always getting into things. Anyway, you would play along for a little while but eventually you would feel like you were going…

  • Right Now

    How many times a day do you tell yourself something isn’t possible? Or that dream you have always wanted to fulfill you can start tomorrow? I used to do that a lot. Everyday I would fill my mind with images of the future, and all the cool things I was going to do, or on…

  • Every negative thought is one more step to failure

    It seems today so many people are expressing themselves with negative thought. If you’re not seeing someone talking about murder and mayhem on the news, then you are reading a friends post on Facebook as they say FML over a messed up cup of coffee. I have to ask myself, do these people just like…