Author: ErnieHoward

  • Warning! The Banned Books are coming, to fill your mind with knowledge and free…Thinking!

    Warning! The Banned books are coming, to fill your mind with Knowledge and free..thinking! Basically what I learned from writing this post is, if you want your book to go down in history, as great, it needs to be banned. Every book on this list was banned, and is still getting banned. Authors should start putting a…

  • Weird Vinyl, and other oddities. But hey Record store day is coming!

    Older post of mine from Record store day was just around the corner Just the other day My neighbors 6 year old was over playing with “Huey” my dog. He looked up as I was putting a record on (yes I have a record player). “What is that?!” He said.“It’s a record.” I said.“Whats…

  • Telling a story

     I think telling a story/being a writer has always been in my blood. My father, although he never wrote anything down, could spin a good yarn. He was always regaling anyone that would listen, with the stories of his youth. Like the time he wiped out a corn field with an Indian motorcycle, or when he swam…

  • Gun Control

    I am not a card carrying member of the NRA. I do not salivate when I hear an assault rifle go off. In fact it makes me sick to my stomach. I am what most conservatives would call a liberal, a dirty word in their book. I don’t like guns. I don’t own a gun, and I never want…