3 books that every writer should read

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I would like to start by saying I purposely left, On Writing, by Stephen King out of this list. What is my reason? Because that book should be something that you have already read and love. It should be required reading for anyone who has ever put words on a page.

What follows are three author’s and books that have had a profound impact on me and my writing over the years and I hope that they will have the same outcome to you and your writing.

They are very different in styles of writing in these books, but they all have the same basic running theme throughout. That is that if you are not enjoying writing in some form. Finding some sort of release from writing. Or just going through the motions when you write, than maybe you should stop what you are doing and do something else. At least for the time being.

Anne Lamott’s, Bird by Bird reads like a writer talking to her therapist. That therapist being you, the reader. Anne gives rare insight into the deeper darker caverns of the writers mind. Just when you think you can’t take it anymore she brings you back into the sunshine. I recommend reading this book on a day you have nothing to do, because once you start you will not want to stop.

Ray Bradbury’s, Zen in the Art of Writing, you will read in a day. The SciFi, and fantasy master tells you to write a story a week and he wants you to do it with gusto.

This book is one part writing inspiration and one part nostalgia. It makes you feel like a kid at the carnival who is peeking under the tent of curiosities, and seeing the world in a whole new light.

Chuck Palahniuk’s Consider This, is just as gritty and raw as the house that Tyler Durden lives in in Fight Club

The stories in this book alone are a reason to read it. Not to mention the sound writing advice and reality check. This is a book written from a master storyteller of a new generation.

Enjoy yourself and keep writing!